Building value
Understanding life is an important challenge. At Ecoconnections we aim to re-orient a part of the economy to do this well.
QuestaGame’s ‘Pays to Know Nature Fund’ for example orients people, with a real financial incentive, to know how to identify species. This is a great training ground for Taxonomists. In this case the money is then donated to a conservation partner. Ecoconnections will donate at least 10% of proceeds to Questagame’s ‘Pays to Know Nature Fund’. In this way 3 people (the Ecoconnected person, the QuestaGame Identifiers and the Conservation Partner) are refocussed to understand a little more of life. This example illustrates the opportunity for large economic multipliers with Ecoconnections.
Ecoconnections aims to bring market forces to bear to help fund taxonomy research by creating new mechanisms for people to get paid for their taxonomic knowledge.