
Getting ecoconnected has an impact through understanding and through investment.


The consciousness of each ecoconnected person contributes to understanding. As we achieve our goal, of connecting a person to every species, the world will have a richer living understanding of the biology of the planet. Testimonials here show early sparks of curiosity.


Money will be invested to increase the rate of naming new species. 70% of species are yet to be named. The Taxonomy Australia website shows why taxonomy research is important in Australia. The challenge is similar for other continents and seas. Researchers can make contact to propose particular projects for funding.

Money is important to shape economies to do what needs to be done. This impact can be a source of economic growth.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals

The UN Sustainable Development Goals provide a framework for how our efforts can make the world a better place. Ecoconnections is mapped to these here.

Pomegranate with ant.

Pomegranate with ant.