Governance reporting on hold for Duncan’s work and family.
Ecoconnections founder Duncan Farquhar has taken a job as Tasmanian Operations Manager for AgriProve and related role as executive officer for the Soil Carbon Industry Group. Soil has over half the worlds biodiversity.
Soil has 1700GT of CO2e. Market based mechanisms to build soil carbon can make a important difference to atmospheric carbon levels. A 1% increase in soil carbon to 30cm depth in Australia’s farming belt would draw down 10,000 Million tonnes of CO2.
This activity is related to the biodiversity goals of ecoconnections. If we knew the biology and dynamics of every organism in soil we would be better able to manage these processes. This has however meant ecoconnections is in a holding pattern until a large funder can be found to allow Duncan to work full time in ecoconnections.
Duncan remains committed to the idea that ecoconnections is a way to arrange social capital for transformational change. That will underpin reaching the 2050 Convention on Biodiversity goal of ‘Living in Harmony with Nature”.
Please read other annual reports to get a feel for the global view we would like to contribute through this series.